I had the incredible experience of participating in a women’s retreat recently, in beautiful St. Pete, Florida.
This was the second retreat I’d attended and I didn't entirely know what to expect.
The experience turned into an expansive opportunity to truly embody what sovereignty means to me.
Being unashamedly me, no matter what.
Speaking up when my nuanced mind needs clarity.
Taking up space... even when it makes my skin slightly crawl.
Setting boundaries around time, energy and communication.
Remaining open-hearted even when I feel I do not belong.
SOVEREIGNTY to me means:
standing TALL (even when you're only 5' 1" 😜);
being CLEAR (seeking clarity when you aren't);
staying ALIGNED (even when that sets you apart)
SOVEREIGNTY is a concept that has been the core of my being from the dawn of time.

But I never truly knew this word or really understood the power and essence of what it actually means.
Until recently...
“To be sovereign is to claim your own inner authority as valid, to live rooted from the truth inside you, which is not beholden to any external person, institution or belief system.
It is to belong to yourself; it is to feel strong, to be true, and to embody your integrity.
To be sovereign is to no longer be imprisoned by the damaging cultural and familial messages that tell women to defer to others, to be silent and small out of fear of rejection, disapproval or shame.”
- from What Is Sovereignty? 13 Elements by Bethany Webster
As the menstrual phase of my cycle is coming to an end and the follicular phase is approaching, I am excited to begin sharing about the corresponding female archetypes for each phase of the female infradian rhythm.
The archetype for the follicular phase is "the virgin" or "maiden"... and as I dig deep into the history and philosophies of this archetype, my mind has been blown at the TRUE nature of "the virgin"...
"Are you willing to choose you, to choose what will nourish you, and give yourself what you need in any given moment... Even if the rest of the world is asking you to do something else? "
I invite you to get curious about what sovereignty means to YOU.
I feel cycle-syncing is one of the most natural ways to journey back to sovereignty and my purpose is to help you along the way.
Ask me how!
