The luteal phase is the THIRD phase of your cycle and begins after ovulation, up until you bleed.
The corresponding moon phase for the first half of the luteal phase is the waning gibbous moon 🌖 which represents - introspect - a time to turn inwards, think about your goals, and be grateful.
If counting day 1 as day 1 the luteal phase begins around day 11 (day 16 if using the old way of counting).
I like to split the Luteal phase into two halves, as the needs are quite different in the first and second half of this phase.
✨ 𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒔𝒆 1/2 🌖 ✨
The first half
Energy outflow sharply increases along with appetite during this phase as your body prepares for the demands of a potentially fertilized egg (pregnancy). You still have some energy to spend with others but it is time to start prioritizing yourself, wrapping things up and getting shit done 😜.
As for movement, strength training and intense yoga is great during this phase.
This is typically when "pms" starts to show up, but it is important to note pms is a sign that something is off, it does not need to be expected or accepted as a natural part of our cycle. We have been conditioned to believe life is "just harder" as a woman, our period being one of the biggest "burdens", but this is a LIE. Our periods and female biological rhythms are magic and a power to embrace and when we come into alignment with the unique needs of each phase there is no "pms" 😉
Mood: WORK
Corresponding Season: START OF FALL
Dosha to balance: PITTA
✨ 𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒔𝒆 2/2 🌖 ✨
The corresponding moon phase for the second half of the luteal phase is the third quarter moon 🌗 which represents - release and let go - let go of the habits that bind you and do you harm.
Hormones have now peaked and begun to fall, reaching their lowest levels just before your bleed begins. Falling estrogen levels can also lead to a drop in serotonin levels which can explain food cravings during this time. Think of the Luteal phase like our inner fall, digestion has slowed down but metabolism has sped up so focusing on fiber-rich foods are key.
It's now time to really slow down on socializing and networking so you have the energy to do what feels the most pleasurable in this phase which is your dharma (soul's purpose).
During the second half of the luteal phase it's important to tune in and not try to keep up with the pace you may have had earlier in your cycle. As your hormones taper off it's best to transition into workouts that focus on flexibility (vs. muscle building), such as gentle yoga or pilates.
Corresponding Season: END OF FALL
Dosha to balance: VATA
Moon phase: LAST QUARTER