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journey to my dharma // one

Writer's picture: CarlyCarly

Updated: Sep 30, 2022

The word dharma comes from the Sanskrit root word dhri, which means "to hold," "to maintain," or "to preserve."

In ancient Hindu texts and the early Vedas dharma was referred to as an individual's duty fulfilled by observance of a custom or law.

There are many takes on what dharma means but I like how Sahara Rose quite simply defines it as:

Dharma │noun│ your soul’s purpose.

I first really started to contemplate what my soul’s purpose was while reading her beautiful book titled “Discover Your Dharma”.

In her book Sahara explains how Karma and Kriya guide the way to dharma.

Karma│noun│: bounded action by the universe to keep you in alignment with your dharma. ~ Sahara Rose

Kriya│noun│the flow or boundless action that springs you towards your dharma. ~ Sahara Rose

She then introduces the three doshas (energy types): Vata (air), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (earth) and explains how our own unique combination of all three doshas determines what we need, in order to fulfill our dharma.

Sahara explains the dharma archetypical system she divinely received and how the archetypes allow you to better understand the things you are drawn to which allows you to more easily embody who you are ✨

There is a Dharma Archetype Quiz in her book (and online here!).

As I read about my energy types and primary archetype the words resonated so deeply. I felt so understood and had such clarity of who I was and what my soul’s purpose was.

My Primary Archetype:

The Visionary

"The Visionary is here to be a bridge for the new paradigm. They are especially tapped into universal Source consciousness and spiritual energy, and they’re able to express the visions that come through them with the gift of words. They have reincarnated at this time to inspire people to embody their fullest potential. They are change makers who thrive in leadership positions where the focus is on their message."


“Sacred self-care is of ultimate importance because your product is you.”

😭 😭 😭

“is YOU

Like… if this hasn’t been the theme of my life over the last little while….. 😭

I’ve been REALLY struggling with the realization that


Is a full sentence… 😭

And that truly BEING is what I am called here for.

“When you are fully in alignment with your sacred doing, you are being~ Sahara Rose


Predominant Doshas:

#1 Vata 🌬 (super interesting to learn I am predominately vata energy like 70% lol, not pitta (fire) which is how I would have identified before – firey!!)

the vata way to be of service:

“The Vata way to be of service is through your ideas”
“Vata’s superpower is creativity”

This is DEFINITELY more my true nature. As I have remembered who I am and embodied my truest self I find most peace and joy in serving in this way.

#2 Pitta 🔥 (I’m about 30% pitta energy which FEELS about right and is not how I have lived my life, especially in business – until now! 😊 )

the pitta way to be of service:

“Through leadership and execution”
“The most aligned Pittas are the ones who have made their lives about being of service. They make money so that they can give back (while enjoying some in the process)”

No surprise that my secondary archetype is:

The Entrepreneur

“The Entrepreneur is here to address the problems of society through business solutions. They see businesses as more sustainable than ideas or petitions because they have infrastructure, revenue, and a team to keep them going. They aren’t going to protest about plastics—they’ll create a business that minimizes plastic waste. Entrepreneurs pride themselves on not being complainers, but rather problem-solvers.”


I found this VERY accurate. In fact I’d never read such truer words. It was immediately clear.

My soul’s purpose is to help women find their soul’s purpose!

May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.

Sharing the thoughts, words and actions of my own joy-led rhythmic life and my journey creating Lokah, is my purpose.


… Lokah is the container for women to create their joy-led life + business using a framework in alignment with their body’s biological rhythms and in harmony with their soul’s purpose and feminine nature.

I highly recommend this book! There are many other “ways” to explain much of the same stuff but I loved Sahara’s vedic guide to finding your purpose. It was such a great introduction to ideas and language that was new to me and Sahara has led me to so many other beautiful, inspirational and impactful soul’s through her podcast and social media as well.

I will continue to share the various books, people and content that have helped me to discover my soul’s purpose in this section of the blog

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